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Culture. Self-Preservation. Survival.

The East End is a coastal community whose economy is closely linked with climate-sensitive resources. Among the most dramatic and economically significant effects of Climate Change are heat waves, droughts, and floods experienced by many communities across the globe. However, the most critical effects for us East Enders have been the changing ocean conditions that affect the sea life on which our community depends. 

All that we need to survive is supplied by nature. Much food comes from the land but we Shinnecock were once whalers. Our knowledge of how to survive off Long Island’s land and waters dates back more than 10,000 years. As a result we are acutely aware of the effects of Climate Change and its constant reminder to return to the old way. 

Known as People of the Stony Shore, we Shinnecock are sentinels and leaders in societal adaption and mitigation in response to climate change. Which is why Tuktu Paddle Tours’ mission is to educate all communities about how to survive in the face of, and without contributing to, the devastating effects of climate change. However, survival goes beyond the basic need of sustenance. Survival is also about self-preservation and the human ability to adapt to life’s traumas by relying on our connectedness with nature to intuitively reveal our personal power and strength.  

In conjunction with our mission, Tuktu partners with its parent company Blossom Sustainable Development, a mental health and substance abuse counseling service, to offer Eco Therapy. Eco Therapy serves as a source of healing from trauma, anxiety, and depression by reconnecting individuals with their True Self. Likewise, to prevent substance abuse and promote mental wellness in the Shinnecock community, Tuktu offers free canoe, horticulture, and other traditional lessons to youth at Wuneechanunk Shinnecock Preschool, the Shinnecock Boy’s & Girls Club, and Blossom’s Project Venture summer camp.

Thanks to its patrons, the proceeds from Tuktu Paddle Tours allow us to continue sharing free and discounted Eco Therapy services to Shinnecock youth and others in need.